Giant video screen enters the record books

Giant video screen enters the record books

Biggest screen in the world

The world’s largest High Definition (HD) video screen has entered the Guinness Book of Records.

The giant four-sided screen has a surface area of 1058 sq m (11,400 sq ft) and hangs above the Dallas Cowboys’ football stadium in the US.

Its manufacturer, Mitsubishi Electric, says the video board is the size of 3,268 52 inch TV sets, and contains over 10m Light Emitting Didoes (LEDs).

It consists of four panels, which together weigh 600 tonnes (600,000kg).

"This is probably the most exciting project we’ve ever been involved with," said Mark Foster of Mistubish Electric. </p

This article is from the BBC News website. © British Broadcasting Corporation, The BBC is not responsible for the content of external internet sites.


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